The innovative cleaning system
In many cases, the dirt introduced into sensitive storage and production areas by persons and transport carts is underestimated frequently. At first, the entrance zone gets contaminated. Persons and vehicles coming afterwards transfer the dirt further and further into sensitive production areas. In the past, cleaning machines had been the only means of removing the dirt introduced by a lot of effort subsequently.
Using ProfilGate®, this problem can be directly solved in the entrance zone! Up to 90 percent of the dirt adhering to soles and rollers can be removed, directly in entrance zone. The ProfilGate® gratings can be taken out and cleaned easily.
ProfilGate® go has been developed especially for active sole cleaning in an industrial environment. The long bristles clean working shoes with coarse profiles particularly reliably as well. Entering the cleaning section, the oblique bristles move down and while doing so, they actively rub the soles clean. In case of ground-level installation, pallet trucks and other hauling vehicles can be used as well. The black-white bristles fit into any surroundings in a neutral manner.